Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone Inc. (SKSRT) provides a variety of telephone service plans with features and savings for any budget. These telephone plans may be combined with Television and high-speed internet service for even greater savings. Customers may choose to pay for these services using Electronic Funds Transfer. (Note: A PDF reader like Adobe or Sumatra is necessary to view and print PDF documents.)
Calling Plans
Spruce Knob Seneca Rocks Telephone, Inc. offers a variety of features and packages to fit the needs of its customers.
- Thrifty Caller
- Community Caller
- Community Caller Plus
- Frequent Caller
These calling plans have rates for both residential and business applications. Contact your local office for more information and pricing.
Unlimited Long Distance
With Spruce Knob's unlimited long distance services, you can slash your telephone bill. You'll know exactly how much your long distance bill will be, regardless of how many calls you make.
Now businesses and individuals can make all the long distance calls they want for one flat-rate monthly charge per line. You can call anyone, anytime, anywhere in the 50 states without worrying about the number of calls you'll make or how long you're on the phone.
Other plans have monthly minute limits for direct call dialing. Call for current pricing for unlimited and monthly minute limit plans. Click here for more details.
SKSRT participates in the federal Lifeline Assistance program which is available to qualifying low-income subscribers. Only eligible consumers may enroll in the program. Each state has its own guidelines to qualify. Click here for more information. The Lifeline Consumer Guide provides more details about this program. Use the Lifeline Application to enroll in this program.